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Cotton Branch
Rural Reflections
Farm Field

All art and artisan work is welcome both
two-dimensional and three-dimensional

November 2  – December 22

Rural Reflections: The Heart of Eastern North Carolina and Southern Virginia

This exhibition celebrates the rural character of Eastern North Carolina and Southern Virginia. 


"Rural Reflections" invites artists to share their interpretations of life in this distinctive region - from expansive farmlands to quiet small towns.


We welcome submissions that explore:

  • The diverse agricultural heritage - tobacco fields, cotton farms, peanut crops

  • Small town main streets and local traditions

  • The natural beauty of the region's countryside 

  • Personal stories and moments that define rural life in these areas


Your work might capture:

  • A misty morning over a tobacco field

  • Historic architecture unique to the region

  • Portraits of local farmers

  • The interplay between nature and rural living


We seek authentic portrayals that reflect the spirit, challenges, and beauty of rural life in Eastern North Carolina and Southern Virginia. What does "rural" mean to you in this context? Share your perspective on the region's distinct rural character through your chosen medium.

All artwork entered for "Rural Reflections" must be available for sale. The Gallery at The Acorn operates on a 60/40 commission structure, with 60% of the sale price going to the artist and 40% retained by the gallery to support ongoing arts programs in our community.

October 18, 2024


Acceptance Notification

October 19- 21

Drop off

October  22 - 25

Entry Fee: FREE (Submit up to 5 images)


All decisions made by the curator are final.

Please note that not all submitted images will be selected for display.

Step 1

Gather Your Entries 

Step 2

Complete Entry Form and Submit Images

Step 3

You'll receive a notification from our
gallery curator regarding your entry.  

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